Jobmonitor. Search results for Luxembourg. Page 10

451 Jobs found

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  • Luxembourgx
Displaying 451-451 of 451 results.
  • Company BDO Services Luxembourg S.A. in Luxembourg
    13.12.2024 Updated on: 25.12.2024

    As an IT Project Manager, you will be responsible for planning, executing, and delivering digitalsolutions within the company. You will work closely with the IT staff, sponsors, end-users andother stakeholders to ensure that the project objectives, scope, budget, and timeline are met.You will also manage the project risks, issues, and changes, and communicate the projectstatus and progress to the relevant parties.What will you do ?• Ensure successful implementation of projects within project scope, budget and timeline.• Coordinate and oversee the project activities, tasks, and milestones.• Manage the project team, vendors, and contractors, and ensure that they perform their roles and responsibilities effectively.• Monitor and control the project quality, performance, and deliverables, and ...

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